Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Curriculum Information  »  History

At Stanningley the history curriculum has been carefully planned to provide regular opportunities for children to develop both their substantive knowledge, but also the disciplinary skills of a Historian. We provide a history curriculum which is both interesting and thought provoking; through different units of learning, lessons are planned using a skills and knowledge based approach, underpinned by the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. Pupils gain a sound knowledge and understanding of the past in both Britain and the wider world through investigative, research and enquiry-based learning opportunities which ignite the children’s curiosity and lead them to want to learn more. These opportunities, including studies of local history, provide meaningful contexts for developing historical skills which show progress as the children move up the school. Children are taught to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, develop perspective and judgement.  

For our children in EYFS, the world around them, including the local area, their immediate learning environment, their homes and families, the seasons, birthdays, celebrations, etc become the makeup of each child’s knowledge of the world and from these points history begins to make sense. The passing of time needs to be seen as something which is relevant to the children – if a child has only lived for four or five years, this in effect is their history. Through meaningful learning experiences and a variety of stories, the passing of time and the changes that occur become real and on which knowledge can be built. Adults are skilled in helping children to understand history by relating it to their known experiences and the context in which they live. 

In Key Stage 1 where historical understanding is still relatively abstract, children learn about famous historical events and people from the past. This helps them discern between ‘now and then’ and provides them with the opportunity to understand the bigger picture of history and apply historical-enquiry skills, including carrying out local studies. Learning about these events gives children a common understanding that things have happened in the past that are worth remembering. We plan our history curriculum to fit in with other aspects of the children’s learning - for example English, Geography and Art. 

For our older children not all of our history is taught chronologically; we have designed our curriculum to appeal to the age and understanding of our children. For example, we teach Ancient Greece in Year 6 in order to delve deeply into concepts such as democracy and how these fits with modern life. However we do place a large emphasis on children understanding the chronological order of both British and World history so children understand where the period they are studying fits into the wider historical picture. 

Children are taught to make links between the past and present and analyse sources in order to construct historical arguments. Enquiry skills are developed through learning about:

  • continuity and change
  • cause and effect 
  • similarity and difference 
  • significance of historical events 
The common threads that all children regularly visit are: 
  • Monarchs and Rulers
  • Chronology
  • Cause and Consequence

By the end of their primary education, our children will have a good chronological understanding of British and World History from the Stone Age to the present day.

HISTORY Intent Statement
History whole School Long Term Plan
History - Yearly Curriculum Map
History - Progression in Skills & Knowledge