Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Curriculum Information  »  Geography

Geography at Stanningley Primary School endeavours to develop children’s curiosity about the world around them, understand their place in it and actively engage with the local environment. Our curriculum aims to inspire and challenge our pupils and ensure that they leave our school with a variety of locational and place knowledge, an understanding of Human and Physical Geography and a variety of geographical and fieldwork skills to prepare them for adult life. Teaching sequences create enquiry-based learning opportunities that are centred around fieldwork experiences across school and children attend a residential in Class 6. 

For our children in EYFS, the world around them, including the local area, their immediate learning environment, their homes and families, the weather, etc become the makeup of each child’s knowledge of the world and from these points geography begins to make sense. Children are guided to make sense of their physical world and community through a range of personal experiences such as simple mapping, talking about the paces they have visited and walks in the local area.Our engaging and inspiring lessons are driven by the National Curriculum objectives and our carefully planned topics have a clear progression of skills and geographical vocabulary. ‘Hands on’ experiences deepen understanding and secure children’s knowledge, enabling skills to be transferable across the curriculum. Learning reflects globally significant places and in lessons, children are exposed to both the natural and human world. They are equipped with knowledge about diverse places, people and resources and have an awareness of the interactions between Earth’s key physical and human processes and how these relate to current global issues. Our aim is to ensure that our children are competent in a range of skills based on the 5 key Geographical skills: 

  • Asking Geographic Questions 
  • Acquiring Geographic Information 
  • Organizing Geographic Information 
  • Analysing Geographic Information
  • Answering Geographic Questions 

Children experience practical tasks including: collecting, analysing and communicating data gathered during fieldwork experiences and interpreting a range of sources of information, including maps, graphs, diagrams, globes and photographs. 

The 4 key substantive knowledge strands running through our geography curriculum are:

  • Place and Space 
  • Scale 
  • People, Culture and Trade
  • Environmental Impact 

These are an integral part of our curriculum as children continually revisit these concepts to secure a deeper understanding of the World.

Geography Intent Statement
Whole School Geography Long Term Plan
Geography - Yearly Curriculum Map
Geography - Progression in Skills & Knowledge