Curriculum Information » Reading » Reading for Pleasure

“Simply put, reading for pleasure increases mental wellbeing. The importance of this, especially after the roller-coaster years we have experienced, cannot be stressed enough.
The National Literacy Trust’s research has found that children and young people who are the most engaged with literacy are three times more likely to have higher levels of mental wellbeing than children who are the least engaged (39.4% vs 11.8%).
Reading for pleasure naturally increases the literacy levels of young adults too, thereby helping their entry into the job market. It also boosts their confidence in supporting their children’s learning should they become parents.
It also has massive social advantages. Low levels of literacy undermine the UK’s economic competitiveness, costing the taxpayer £2.5 billion every year.”
At Stanningley Primary School our children love to hear stories being read out loud to them. Class teachers aim to read to their classes every day. Children also take home reading for pleasure books - these are books which they bring home alongside their reading book (which is usually directly linked to their phonics phase or reading level and ability for older children). Reading for pleasure books are great for sharing or for reading to your child.
Please see the Whole School Text Progression Map which shows some of the Reading for Pleasure books we read in school.
Please see the Recommended Reads Page for suggested age-appropriate books to share with your child.