Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Kids Zone  »  Maths Links

Mathletics Times Table Rock Stars Power Lines
Mathletics switches kids on to maths. It’s engaging, supportive and targeted to the various National Curricula of the UK, across KS1-4. Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Addition Online Game
Addition and Subtraction activities key stage 2. Learn your tables  Who Wants to be a Mathionaire - Addition Quiz
 In this section see how knowing about sums, averages, shapes, graphs and measurements can help you out with many tasks. Learn your Times Tables Test your Addition Skills
Moonmaths Sumdog ICT Games 
  Free games that make learning fun
Addition, subtraction, time and more
Top Marks Channel 4 - Puzzle Maths The NRICH Primary Site
Mental Maths All the games have been built to keep within and complement the National Numeracy Framework, so parents and teachers can rest assured that the content is created and monitored by a reliable source. Algebra all stages
Mathszone Addition and Subtraction activities key stage 1. Numeracy Games

Calculating, Fractions, Decimals, Measuring and more.
Fun activities to help children at KS1 learn more about Maths. Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, Division and more.
BBC Numbertime BBC Dynamo's Den Mathsphere - Games and Puzzles
The site covers: The National Numeracy Strategy at Levels 1 and . It deals with the subject area of Numbers and the number system. Maths games. A free selection of worksheets in pdf format, taken from the year groups 1 to 6. Please print out these samples and use at home, or photocopy and use in class.
Maths Skills Trainer Mental Gym AAA Maths
Over 1000 game to test and improve addition subtraction, multiplication an division skills. Maths and Spellings workout. A comprehensive set of of interactive arithmetic lessons.
Active Learn Splat BBC Bitesize Maths (KS1)
Children in school have been given a log-in to this site to complete very popular online maths homework. Splat is an interactive hundred square for children to use to practise their skills at home.
Choose the right weights to help Molly balance the jungle animals on the scales.
BBC Bitesize Maths (KS2) Addition and Subtraction activities.  
Control the Roboidz with your knowledge of angles in this exciting Mission 2110 game. Add and subtract your way across the Hexafield in this Mission 2110 game.