Mathletics |
Times Table Rock Stars |
Power Lines |
Mathletics switches kids on to maths. It’s engaging, supportive and targeted to the various National Curricula of the UK, across KS1-4. |
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. |
Addition Online Game
Addition and Subtraction activities key stage 2. |
Learn your tables |
Who Wants to be a Mathionaire - Addition Quiz |
In this section see how knowing about sums, averages, shapes, graphs and measurements can help you out with many tasks. |
Learn your Times Tables |
Test your Addition Skills |
Moonmaths |
Sumdog |
ICT Games |
Free games that make learning fun |
Addition, subtraction, time and more |
Top Marks |
Channel 4 - Puzzle Maths |
The NRICH Primary Site |
Mental Maths |
All the games have been built to keep within and complement the National Numeracy Framework, so parents and teachers can rest assured that the content is created and monitored by a reliable source. |
Algebra all stages |
Mathszone |
Addition and Subtraction activities key stage 1. |
Numeracy Games |
Calculating, Fractions, Decimals, Measuring and more. |
Fun activities to help children at KS1 learn more about Maths. |
Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, Division and more. |
BBC Numbertime |
BBC Dynamo's Den |
Mathsphere - Games and Puzzles |
The site covers: The National Numeracy Strategy at Levels 1 and . It deals with the subject area of Numbers and the number system. |
Maths games. |
A free selection of worksheets in pdf format, taken from the year groups 1 to 6. Please print out these samples and use at home, or photocopy and use in class. |
Maths Skills Trainer |
Mental Gym |
AAA Maths |
Over 1000 game to test and improve addition subtraction, multiplication an division skills. |
Maths and Spellings workout. |
A comprehensive set of of interactive arithmetic lessons. |
Active Learn |
Splat |
BBC Bitesize Maths (KS1) |
Children in school have been given a log-in to this site to complete very popular online maths homework. |
Splat is an interactive hundred square for children to use to practise their skills at home.
Choose the right weights to help Molly balance the jungle animals on the scales. |
BBC Bitesize Maths (KS2) |
Addition and Subtraction activities. |
Control the Roboidz with your knowledge of angles in this exciting Mission 2110 game. |
Add and subtract your way across the Hexafield in this Mission 2110 game.