Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 1 Class Page

Superhero Day

The children celebrated the end of their topic with a Superhero Day! The children all dressed up as superheroes! They completed their wonderful comics in the morning, then had an afternoon of superhero crafting! They were all amazing and loved their special day!

Supertato and Veggie Villains

The children loved making their own villains and heroes from vegetables they brought from home. They were so careful and precise with their cutting and sticking skills! The children will use the characters to make their own comic strips in English!

Attendance Treat

Class one won the attendance treat for Autumn term. The children chose to have a play in Stanningley Park and a hot chocolate.

Maths - place value

The children have been exploring teen numbers. They have been looking at the value of ten and how we can use a tens frame to spot ten without having to count it. We have been adding ones to this to create our teen numbers. The children have used a range of resources and have been confident in explaining what they have made.

Christmas Lunch

The children enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch before heading to church for the Stanningley Christmas service!

Christmas Party Day

The children had a wonderful day at their year 1 Christmas party. They enjoyed party games and party food. They even had a visit from a very special guest!

DT Moving Pictures

The children learned how to make a pivot using a split pin to make their own moving Gruffalo picture. The children then learned how to make sliders so their picure moved. They used both these ideas to create their own design for a moving Christmas card. The finished products were exceptional and they were sent home for their families to enjoy.

Dragon Hunt

There was a mystery egg that fell through the ceiling of of our classroom. The children all made predictions about what type of egg they thought it was and how it came to be in our classroom. The children went on a clue hunt around the school to try to work out what kind of egg it was. They used maps of the school to find where they should go and to mark on the clues they found. The egg went missing then we found out it was a dragon egg and that the adult dragon had come back to collect her egg!


Today the children were introduced to the globe and an atlas. The children enjoyed looking at the different types of maps.


Today in music the children enjoyed ecploring a range of musical instruments to create firework music. The children sung a firework song and added the instruments to make their sounds.

Art - Primary Colours

The children enjoyed learning about the primary colours today. The children experimented with their own pictures only using red, yellow and blue. They loved having the freedom to explore their creative side!

Elmer Day

To celebrate the children's learning about Elmer during Black History Month, the children of year 1 had an Elmer Day. They were authors and they wrote their own books about Elmer and they had an afternoon of rainbow related crafts! The children had a lovely day and all came dressed in their outfit of many colours!

Kirkstall Toy Zoom

As part of their histroy topic - learning from the past, the children had a Zoom call with Kirkstall Toy museum. Sarah from the museum showed us some of the old artefacts from the museum and we compared them to newer objects. The children learnt that the newer objects were usually made from more modern materials like plastic and they were often more brightly coloured. The older objects were usually made from materials such as wood are were often hand made. The children learnt that in the past, children would have only had a few toys to play with as they were very expensive.

Equality Symbols

The children each decorated their own Charlie crocodile equality symbol. The children explored this as a class then used counters to do this individually. It was a fun and active way to learn.


Today we were so lucky to have so many Grandparents visit us to help us with out learning. The children had all written questions to ask to find out what the lives of the Grandparents were like. We completed a task together then our Grandparents showed us how to play with some of the traditional toys from school. Some of our Grandparents had even brought in items from their childhood share with us! Thank you to all the Grandparents who came to help out today!

Maths - Tens frames

The children were given challenges to show the value of numbers on a tens frame. They learnt to fill the top row first to complete the 5. They learnt to fill the tens frame from the left hand side to the right hand side.

Our First Few Days in Year One

This week the children arrived in year one. We have had a great time exploring our new provision as well as working hard to learn all our new class routines. The children have been excellent at caring for their new equipment and tidying up after themselves!